What problem does your business solve?

Some issues very often block amazing businesses to reach the next level in their sales, performance and impact.

These are the main 3 problems our business solves:

1. Lack of Customer Demand Creation

2. Unqualified Workforce

3. Lack of Sophisticated Management Tools such as models, forecasts, etc.

These issues very often block amazing businesses to reach the next level in their sales, performance, and impact.

1) Customer Demand Problem: Most businesses would address the lack of customer demand creation by hiring digital marketing companies. However, a digital marketing company will not address the real problem as they’re not equipped to do so. What do they do?

They will build a nicer website, create ads online, and leave you frustrated with the poor results. Why? They’re using misguided market-segmentation practices. For instance, they divide markets by customer type and define the needs of customers in those segments. The consequences? They deliver services and products that often fail to address customers’ needs.

Veritas Management Group has a much better way: Instead of trying to understand the typical customer, we discover what customers want to achieve, then develop services that can actually address customers’ needs. It’s all about causation, not correlation!

2) Unqualified Workforce Problem:

It’s challenging to find the ideal employee that matches your organization’s values and skills. It’s even more challenging to build the right team that pulls in the same direction with passion, talent, and engagement. Despite the difficulties to obtain the right team, it’s paramount to have one as it is the single most important asset within your business.

Hiring a Harvard, CFO a consultant from McKinsey is also too costly. Furthermore, it’s unrealistic to send your team to an Ivy League MBA program. So, should we stick with a low qualified staff? Absolutely not!

How would you like to bring a customized Ivy League material MBA to your business? What if you could sharpen your skills with the most brilliant minds in the field? What if this simple decision would finally address one of the most important challenges of any business, that is, a qualified workforce.

Veritas Management Group offers tailored training for your business that has 100% of its content from Harvard and other top Ivy League Schools at a shoestring.

3) Lack of Sophisticated Management Problem:

Veritas proven business analysis model enables you to have a clear picture of where your business is winning (what projects, services, and products) and where you need to improve. We’ve seen so many profitable businesses unaware of losing services and products. The consequences are significant as profits could be much higher as well as efficiencies.

Veritas models are the same used by sophisticated institutional investors on Wall Street during their investment decision processes. You’ll be able to have clarity about your next move with our proven frameworks.

There are at least four reasons why companies lack more formal and sophisticated forecasting and analysis processes: Lack of training, no immediate need due to size, substitution with formal forecasting and review process, and opting for previously used simpler methods.

While a firm may be small and underdeveloped, cash management appears reassuring. However, as the company develops, the need for clear financial statements and forecasting increases significantly.

Although several areas of business management are crucial for growth and success, none may be of more importance than cash management. The implications of poor cash management can affect much more than financial performance.

Conversely, acute cash management provides a safeguard and enables your organization to meet operating expenses and investment goals.

Management Financial Reviews are conducted on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual basis. Often companies begin staff meetings with the company’s current cash position. Senior management then reviews variances, investments, staffing, or other vital cash commitments and discusses ways to prioritize obligations.

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