Why Veritas Management Group

You’ll be able to implement top-notch management tools, models for a shoestring.

Simply put, VMG delivers results for a low investment. These are the 3 main reasons for choosing VMG:

1) You’ll be able to implement top-notch management tools, models for a shoestring. Achieve Peak Performance! Your business will have a sophisticated management approach that will give you an edge.

What if the next level of business growth is trapped inside your own resources rather than on external forces? What if you could refurbish your current assets and achieve peak performance?

Most businesses are looking for an exterior growth formula when they fail to optimize their own assets.

Our proven business analysis model enables you to have a clear picture about where your business is winning (what projects, services and products) and where you need to improve.

Our models are the same used by sophisticated institutional investors on Wall Street during their investment decision processes. You’ll be able to have clarity about your next move.

According to research by Mickinsey Consultants, 85% of top CEOs state that strategic resource allocation is the number one reason for sustainable growth. As you gain a deeper understanding of your business, you’ll be able to make significant improvements on your bottom line.

Veritas Management Group will help you refurbish your assets and achieve peak performance. Contact us today to learn more.

2) Veritas Executive Training: How would you like to have a customized Ivy League material MBA in Your Business?

Every business has opportunities for improvement. What if you could sharpen your skills with the most brilliant minds in the field?

Veritas Management Group offers tailored courses for your business needs that have 100% of its content from Harvard and other top Ivy League Schools.

After earning a master’s degree from Harvard, serving as an MBA professor and working as a CFO and consultant for several years, Veritas Management Group’s managing director has realized that although the basics of an Ivy League MBA are crucial for successful business management, these principles could be understood by a wider audience at a faster pace, lower price and in a customized fashion.

Veritas Executive Training is designed to provide the fundamentals of an Ivy League MBA without losing two years wages and incurring debt for tuition and expenses. Moreover, VMG Executive Training is customized to address your goals and needs.

Your team is your number one asset and the engine of your business growth. Let’s use the ideas, frameworks and tools of the best in the field to take your business to the next level.

Contact us today to learn more. We look forward to partnering with you.

3) Lead Meaningful Change: 

A 2016 Gallup engagement survey found that 82% of employees found their leaders uninspiring. The same survey found that 13% of the global workforce is engaged, while a

mere 24% are actively disengaged. The lack of good leadership is not due to a lack of effort, but rather to a broken system.

According to research from a professor at Berkeley CA, when leaders start to feel powerful their benevolent qualities begin to decline. Leaders are three times more likely to interrupt their workers, multi-task during meetings, raise their voices and say insulting things.

Obviously, something else is needed:

  • Leadership that truly engages employees, addresses basic human needs, and also boosts company performance is what makes a difference.

Leadership pioneer Peter Drucker said, “You cannot manage other people, unless you lead yourself first.” Most leadership training starts with people management. According to Drucker this process starts at the end and misses the beginning. It’s like building a house starting by the roof.

Like Drucker, Veritas MG argues that leadership starts with yourself, more specifically with your mind. By understanding how your mind works, you can lead yourself effectively. Understanding how to lead yourself you can lead others more effectively. Additionally, effectively we mean how to tap into people intrinsic motivations and sense of purpose.

Despite the fact that most CEO’s believe their employees are engaged in their firm, 85% of employees in America state they are not engaged at their jobs, while most of their superiors believe they are, resulting in a painful lack of growth, happiness and profitability.

Research has shown that internal drivers such as meaningful engagement, connectedness, and feeling valued can engage employees on a deeper level needed for long term commitment and productivity.

Veritas MG can Help You Achieve Your Goals

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