Stop struggling to find the perfect employee for your business. Instead, discover a high-impact training process that will revolutionize your workforce with Veritas

Contact us today to learn more. Veritas look forward to partnering with you.

Veritas Management Group has the best live professional trainings to build your most in-demand hard and soft skills.

Experience live, interactive sessions led by a Harvard grad and international consultant. Additionally, gain practical tools to enhance your skills.

Stop Struggling to find the perfect employee for your business.

Discover a high impact training process that will revolutionize your workforce.

Empower your employees with skills. Strengthen your business.

Eliminate staff turnover by helping your team develop the skills they need to advance their career and your business.

After earning a master’s degree from Harvard, serving as an MBA professor and working as a CFO and consultant for several years, Veritas Management Group’s managing director has realized that although the basics of an Ivy League MBA are crucial for successful business management, these principles could be understood by a wider audience at a faster pace, lower price and in a customized fashion.


Veritas Executive Training is designed to provide the fundamentals of an Ivy League MBA without losing two years wages and incurring debt for tuition and expenses. Moreover, VMG Executive Training is customized to address your goals and needs.

Your team is your number one asset and the engine of your business growth. At Veritas, we will use the ideas, frameworks, and tools of the best in the field to take your business to the next level.

Some of your options:



Examine the unique challenges of professional service firms and capitalize on emerging opportunities. Moreover, develop strategies that deliver value. Additionally, create effective go-to-market strategies, cultivate and retain top talent, strengthen client relationships, and enhance long-term performance.


Uncover the unique characteristics that define your authentic leadership and become the type of leader you most admire. Furthermore, explore the deep personal core of your own leadership. Lead with power, influence, and persuasion, and empower others to lead.


Acquire the analytical skills to position your company for growth and profitability. Additionally, evaluate your company's performance and gain an accurate valuation of your market position.


Develop groundbreaking strategies and action plans to build your company's competitive advantage. Furthermore, sustain this advantage by forecasting industry evolution. Additionally, recognize potential risks to your market position and formulate a comprehensive corporate action plan.

Quantitative Analysis

Learn how to sort out complex problems using decision trees. Additionally, determine the value of future cash received through cash flow analysis and net present value analysis. Moreover, quantify uncertainty with probability theory and determine relationships and forecasts using regression analysis and other forecasting techniques.


Explore the concepts of modern management to develop your own effective customer-centric marketing strategy. Additionally, create and sustain value by analyzing customer needs and buying behavior. Furthermore, understand competitor strengths and weaknesses and develop strategic marketing plans.
"Since I started VMG learning program, my business experienced a performance boost, as our team engagement increased as well as our skills for the job"
Ray Young
"The Strategy course was a game changer for my firm. We built a strategic business roadmap that kept ou team on check.
David Roberts
"Instead of hiring the right person, we have successfully building the right skills within our own people. I highly recommend VMG L&D for everyone that values their team"
Rebecca Johnston
"You cannot manage other people, unless you manage yourself first. VMG helped me to take a closer look at my leadership skills."
Amber Tranhahl

Contact us today to learn more. We look forward to partnering with you.

Lead Meaningful Change. Ask us about a free Strategy training.



1Why Veritas Learning and Development is important? ?

We believe an organization’s capabilities are the most important competitive differentiator today and in the future, as organizations chart their path to the next normal. Our research shows that organizations that focus on skill building and having the right resources in the program are three times more likely to succeed in a change effort. We created Veritas L&D as our capability building center of excellence to help organizations build capabilities at scale to drive change. We focus on building capabilities that enable strong leadership teams, enterprise-wide transformations, and performance improvements in functional topics such as digital, agile, sales, and operations. Our programs help the entire organization from the top team to middle management to front-line employees. Our deep understanding of our clients' personal business objectives and organizational contexts means we can work with them to build capability building programs that directly tie to drivers of value and support their broader transformation efforts.

2Who should participate in this program?

Our programs are designed for all levels of the organization from the top team to middle management to frontline employees depending on the unique needs of an organization. We believe leadership and management behaviors and mindsets play a critical role unlocking the power of all transformations. We often combine our leadership and management programs with thematic focused capability building, for example building procurement or digital capabilities, to ensure impact is tied to achieving business objectives.  Veritas L&D is designed to provide the fundamentals of an Ivy League MBA without losing two years wages and incurring debt for tuition and expenses. Moreover, VMG Executive Training is customized to address your goals and needs.

3What L&D is critical for employee retention?

Learning and Development! Traditionally, learning focused solely on improving productivity. However, Today, learning also contributes to employability. Over the past several decades, employment has shifted from staying with the same company for a lifetime to a model where workers are being retained only as long as they can add value to an enterprise. Workers are now in charge of their personal and professional growth and development—one reason that people list “opportunities for learning and development” among the top criteria for joining an organization. Conversely, a lack of L&D is one of the key reasons people cite for leaving a company.  Veritas L&D is offers tailored courses for your business needs that have 100% of its content from Harvard and other top Ivy League Schools. After earning a master’s degree from Harvard, serving as an MBA professor and working as a CFO and consultant for several years, Veritas Management Group’s managing director has  realized that although the basics of an Ivy League MBA are crucial for successful business management, these principles could be understood by a wider audience at a faster pace, lower price and in a customized fashion.

4Why does VMG L&D help to reduce employee turnover?

Employee turnover is expensive for companies. Work Institute states that employee turnover costs about 30% of an employee’s annual salary. We’re living in a moment called the Great Resignation, as 1/3 of employees in US are shifting jobs.

5How does the VMG L&D increase employee performance?

Employee Performance and Engagement.  85% of employees in America state they are not engaged at their jobs, while most of their superiors believe they are, resulting in a painful lack of growth, happiness and profitability. 82% of employees found their leaders uninspiring. The same survey found that only 13% of the  Workforce is actively engaged.The lack of good leadership is not due to a lack of effort, but rather to a broken system.

6How does this program increase my human capital?

Increase Your Human Capital - Unlock the Potential of your People :

We help organizations unlock the potential within their people and leadership teams. We assess capability gaps and work together to design and implement the right interventions to build needed skills in their people.

Every business has opportunities for improvement. What if you could sharpen your skills with the most brilliant minds in the field?

Veritas Management Group offers tailored courses for your business needs that have 100% of its content from Harvard and other top Ivy League Schools.

After earning a master’s degree from Harvard, serving as an MBA professor and working as a CFO and consultant for several years, Veritas Management Group’s managing director has realized that although the basics of an Ivy League MBA are crucial for successful business management, these principles could be understood by a wider audience at a faster pace, lower price and in a customized fashion.

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