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These are the main 3 problems our business solves:

  1. Business Value 
  2. Profitability
  3. Cash flow 

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Veritas Management Group uncovers your unique value proposition and matches it to solve your customer’s problem. Moreover, we partner with you to build a strategic business model tailored for your market.

Your unique value preposition will attract the right customer for a premium price. We’ll boost your sales results with effective marketing campaigns.

Most businesses in the USA would address the lack of customer demand creation by hiring digital marketing companies. However, a digital marketing company will not address the real problem as they’re not equipped to do so. What do they do?

They will build a nicer website, create ads online and get frustrated with the poor results. Why? They’re using misguided market-segmentation practices. For instance, they divide markets by customer type and define needs of customers in those segments. The consequences? They deliver services and products that often fail to address customers’ needs.

Veritas Management Group has a much better way: Instead of trying to understand the typical customer, we discover what customers want to achieve, then develop services that can actually address customers’ needs. It’s all about causation not correlation!

Simply put, VMG delivers results for a low investment.

  1. You’ll be able to implement top-notch management tools, models for a shoestring. Achieve Peak Performance! Your business will have a sophisticated management approach that will give you an edge.
  2. Veritas Executive Training: How would you like to have a customized Ivy League material MBA in Your Business?
  3. Lead Meaningful Change.

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I’m a university professor with 5 years of experience in graduate teaching on International Business, Financial Accounting and Corporate Finance, Strategy and Leadership bolstered by over 10 years of professional working experience in accounting, finance, management & international business development.

I began my working career as a non-profit director and church pastor working my way up to CFO for a national for-profit organization in the USA. I currently work as the managing director for Veritas Management Group. I’m privileged to be launching new businesses in different parts of the world.

Education: BA – UNA, Business; Master’s degree – Harvard University, Finance and Investments.

– Guilherme Albergaria

After I earned my Master’s degree from Harvard, served as an MBA professor and CFO, I realized that although the basics of an Ivy League MBA are crucial for successful business management, these principles could be understood by a wider audience in a much faster pace, lower price, higher acceptance rate and on a customized fashion, that is, you only need to take courses address your goals and challenges.

The Veritas Executive Training is designed to provide the fundamentals of an Ivy League MBA without losing two years’ wages and incurring a $200,000 debt for tuition and expenses

Veritas Management Group’s mission is to empower business owners, managers and students to master the fundamental business tools taught at top MBA schools. We believe the tools and frameworks provided by the Veritas Executive Training will empower your team to go to the next level.

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